As our Director and Cognitive Rehabilitation therapist, Natalie Mackenzie discussed in the NR Times during the COVID-19 crises, the team have been busy exploring and expanding our toolboxes, to continue to develop our services for our clients during this challenging time. We have had a most successful period of working in this new way, which has not been without its challenges of course. However, both staff and clients have had been filled with a wide selection of activities, laughter and motivational support.
We are also proud to announce that we can now expand the service to new referrals, as well as provision to offer one to one session for the majority of our activities. We have taken on board feedback from clients and families, and are continuing to develop the service further.
For those individuals that find group settings difficult or where attention challenges impact ability to engage in group sessions, our 1:1 activity sessions enable new skill acquisition in a more bespoke manner.
All clients will receive full access to our timetable, as well as 2 hours personal 1:1 rehabilitation assistant support per week. A weekly timetable is sent out a week in advance to allow for bookings and preparation for the more functional skill sessions.
We have large selection of events, which rotate weekly, and are continuing to add further. We will also be offering sessions for families. Clients are also now running some sessions which is so inspiring and motivating.
This weeks timetable includes: Daily Mindfulness, CBT, Music groups, Language Lessons, Art, PT, Hypnotherapy, Nutrition for TBI, Daily Trivia, TBI Education and much more. We have a very talented team who are all experienced and qualified in their subjects, with all staff holding a minimum Psychology degree qualification.
Sessions are no longer than 40 minutes to reduce fatigue, and we actively plan around other online schedules to reduce screen time and cognitive load.
We also continue to take our usual referrals, as we are still working in the community under government guidelines.
If you would like further information or to make a referral please contact us or call us on 01622 584456.